Monday, April 13, 2015

Shaping the Next Generation

Their little minds are absorbing information at an alarming speed as they grow and experience this world and society around them. We have to teach them so much that is not inherent or instinct. They need to be taught to be kind, say 'please' and 'thank you', to tie their shoes, and how to make the perfect peanut butter and honey sandwich. (The secret is to mix the honey with the peanut butter on one side and then put honey alone on the other side....)

And you kind of know this when you become a parent. But you are still in awe when you have a monumental moment of passing on your acquired knowledge and experience to your offspring. You know it will be a moment that changes their young lives and expands their thirsty minds and sets them on the path to ultimate enlightenment and profound happiness. And you can't help but be transformed by the moment yourself.

"No, Honey, it is not a thief that is also a camel. A 'camel thief' is a thief that steals camels."

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